Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Security vulnerability found 4 8 5 2 Please act

Security vulnerability found 4 8 5 2 Please act

This is one of the biggest advantages of open source software. A few weeks back we got an email from a community user (thanks Greg!!) reporting a possible security vulnerability.

Turns out he was indeed right! This vulnerability affects all (supported) versions of the BA platform until 5.2. (so 4.3, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2), and had to do with some crappy legacy jpivot code that was left behind. And it was a huge pile of work, but we were able to stop all the machines in the factory and 5.3 already has this fix (5.3 was built already, so we have a huge warehouse full of 5.3 software builds that we threw away ;)  )

Please refer to this support note where you can get an hotfix for the issue.

It took me some time to get to this blog post cause we had the moral obligation to notify our customers first - plus, it was the first time ever that we found one of these; Next time, that I hope will never exist, well be faster :)

Patch away!


download file now

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