Monday, August 21, 2017

SendBlaster Pro v2 Full Send Bulk Emails for Free

SendBlaster Pro v2 Full Send Bulk Emails for Free

Sendblaster is a bulk email sender and mailing list management software. It is so user-friendly that you can launch your email marketing campaign in minutes: create a newsletter, select a mailing list and start its fast mass emailing engine. SendBlaster is a mailing list manager that will allow you to communicate with your customers and friends by creating and sending customized e-mails using your database and integrating with your web site mailing list.

SendBlaster is excellent email marketing software that has the features anyone would want from this kind of application; however, some of the features in SendBlaster don�t work quite as well as they should. For instance, when we tried to import contacts from Thunderbird or put embedded images into our messages, we had to try a few times before it actually worked. We were pleased with the results when these features actually did work, but we wondered why they didn�t work the first time. What works in SendBlaster all depends on what it wants to do when you first open it up. For the most part, SendBlaster is cooperative and superb email marketing software that�s sure to make all of your email marketing campaigns successful right out the gate, thus earning our TopTenREVIEWS Silver Award.

When it comes to email marketing software, SendBlaster has all of the features you could ever want. We were impressed with what it had to offer in the areas of email creation and sending. Their email tracking features were also second to none. All of these features perform as if they came from an application that was a lot more prestigious and expensive. Instead, you�re able to get email marketing software that can do it all for a fraction of the price. SendBlaster is a blessing for all of the budget-conscious email marketers out there. In the world of email marketing, you�re going to take a lot of risks. With SendBlaster, you�re not going to worry about the price you paid for the program not working out in the end. Since the price is low, you�re bound to get your return on investment before long.

Email Creation: 10/10

We couldn�t find any areas of SendBlaster that were even remotely complicated. The interface of the email monitoring software is structured to make navigation easy, and the features themselves were definitely self-explanatory. It didn�t take long for us to figure out how to use the program because each feature comes with a detailed explanation as to how you use it. You don�t have to go through the process of trial and error to get things going in SendBlaster. All you have to do is try one of their features one time and you�re likely to get the result you want. Some of the features are a little touchy, but for the most part, you�re going to get it all to work. If you�re still having troubles after a few tries, they have an excellent customer service area that�s sure to answer whatever questions that may arise.

Reporting: 10/10

With this email marketing software, the process of created emails is made easier with the email creation wizard that�s provided. This feature walks you through each step and explains everything carefully to make sure you don�t miss a thing. The application supports Unicode characters, images and background images. Unfortunately, sound files are one of the few things this program doesn�t support. Users are able to take advantage of message encoding, import HTML pages, insert file attachments, use email templates, view their emails in a browser before they send them. Users can also view the HTML source code and a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) preview.

Ease of Use: 10/10

This application is very good in making sure you�re able to keep an eye on your campaigns once they have been sent out. Users can view reports on who has unsubscribed from their campaigns and which emails have been successfully received, sent or opened. It has a section that allows you to take the statistics from your campaigns and analyze them to determine how your campaigns are doing. If you want to enhance your features in this area, this email monitoring software also supports an email tracking add-on, which provides additional reporting features.


SendBlaster is hard to beat in the area of email marketing features. They have all the features that any email marketer would want at a price they could afford. We would like to see them strengthen the features they do have because their feature set has a lot of features, but not all of them are strong. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, you should go with SendBlaster. It�s going to give you everything you might need without hurting your wallet too much.
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