Thursday, September 14, 2017

Senior Correspondent Arnold Woodworths Weekly Web Wrap up for Sunday May 22 2016

Senior Correspondent Arnold Woodworths Weekly Web Wrap up for Sunday May 22 2016

Apple pulled iOS 9.3.2 for the 9.7 inch iPad Pro, following reports that users were seeing their iPads bricked after updating to the�latest�iOS release on Monday. The bug does not affect the larger, 12.9 inch iPad Pro.
Apple has fixed a security flaw that could let a hacker access personal data on a users iPhone.

The fix is part of software update, iOS 9.3.2, which is rolling out to iPhone and iPad users across the globe.

In total, Apple patched 22 separate bulletins fixing dozens of vulnerabilities.

This beautiful app will show you all the forgotten files that are�slowing down your Mac
40 years of Apple history with Walt Mossberg
Apple�s 40th anniversary was almost two months ago, but this video is so good I put it in anyway.
I only discovered it Saturday.
Apple just revealed the future of its retail�stores
Apple stores may not generate anywhere near the revenue of the companys online counterpart. Yet for the last 15 years, they have acted as Apples�real-world footprint, a way to set apart how it communicates with customers and leaves its mark on cities around the world.
This $1.5 billion PC gaming companys first US store stole�some of the spotlight from the new Apple Store in San�Francisco
11 paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free as of May 20, 2016
Im ready to ditch the iPhone for Android N�(and I want Apple to show me why I�shouldn�t)
Forget the Haters: The Apple Watch Is a�Flawed, But Very Useful Device
In fact, the few days I forgot to put the watch on were difficult to get through after using it so much.
Siri on the Apple Watch is like Siri on steroids. Or at least it�s like the version of Siri Apple users have always wanted.
It�s risky to predict this, but the Apple Watch will become a classic technology device within two years and all the haters will be proven wrong.
How Apple Watch became the iPod of the future
While ridiculed by many as a flop and often misunderstood as a product, Apple Watch has very successfully worked to turn around the�fortunes of Apples Other Products segment, essentially becoming the modern iPod for the next decade.
As a product, iPod took nearly four years to develop into an outstanding smash success.
My first year with the Apple Watch as a health-monitoring tool
I won�t go as far as to say it is a life-saver. On the other hand, it has become a key part of how I manage my type 2 diabetes.
I use the Apple Watch, in combination with the Dexcom 5 Continuous Glucose Monitoring system.
These�Apple Watch�wearers were ashamed of how often they pulled out their phones, how often they placed them on tables and how they continually�glanced at or tapped them.

They feel theyre now being more subtle with the Apple Watch.
Apple�s banned an iPhone app that let you know if�you were being spied on

Stefan Esser�was essentially told that detecting weaknesses or problems in a user�s phone wasn�t allowed.

Esser, for his part, is confused by the removal from the App Store, as he says that the app only performed the same function as many others that have been�allowed to remain available.
Who Made Tim Cook King?
When Tim Cook, Apple�s CEO, vows to continue to increase the strength of the encryption on his company�s products, he is proposing to make commonplace�something that has hitherto been rare: zones of privacy that are potentially impenetrable.
Should technology companies create black boxes, whose encryption is so strong that they cannot be unlocked without their users� consent, a lucky guess, or�treachery, even if law enforcement has a legitimate interest in seeing the boxes� contents?
A more limited privacy than technologists promise is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, which (as the president reminded us) has always�allowed that police can enter one�s house and rifle through one�s personal effects, so long as they have a warrant issued by a judge.
No right is absolute, because all rights butt up against other rights, with their own strong claims. In open, democratic societies, we are committed to continually�negotiating rival claims, as values change and technologies evolve.
I downloaded my data from Facebook and found all of the�people I unfriended in the last 10 years
Here�s how you can too.
How to see all the companies tracking you on Facebook � and�block them

There�s a new thing called �fog computing� and no, we�re not joking

To understand fog computing, you first have to understand cloud computing. In cloud computing, everyone shares the same massive data centers. You run an�app on your phone in your home town, but the back-end computers may be in Virginia, or California, or Ireland, etc.

But with fog computing, computers and storage are scattered all over. The network is smart enough to know where the data is stored.

With the network as the star, you can see why Cisco is championing this idea. It means selling a lot more high-end, very profitable network equipment.

Cisco has been largely left out of the cloud computing revolution.

This college student 3D printed his own plastic braces for $60 � and they actually fixed his teeth

When Will the Internet Be Safe for Women?
The fight to make law enforcement take online threats seriously
A woman who was receiving death via Twitter called the police.
The police officer who showed up asked �What is Titter?�
A Boston judge said to one of the victims, "You just have to go offline."
�When I report a serious death threat to the police, this is what happens,� Brianna�Wu, the video-game designer, said. �Invariably, a local�cop comes to my house and instructs me to stay off social media. I cannot have a career without that online presence.�
Defendants demand to see FBIs secret�hacking tool
Courts are facing a decision: Expose the FBIs techniques or dont allow defendants to see the�evidence against them.
Both sides should have access to evidence in a criminal case, but FBI disclosure�of the NITs source code could kill the tools effectiveness going forward, said�Paul Fletcher, security evangelist for security vendor Alert Logic.

Digital technology offers, in principle, unprecedented privacy.

Without encryption, someone skilled in software manipulation can with relative ease impersonate someone else over the network.

Meanwhile, the law-enforcement community, seeing computer networks as the latest venue for criminals to conspire, may soon attempt to restrict domestic�encryption directly.

"Wiretapping is a necessary evil, but to treat it as an entitlement would be a great mistake," says Marc Rotenberg, director of Computer Professionals for Social�Responsibility�s Washington office.

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